
What’s New in Pancreatic Cancer Research?

What’s New in Pancreatic Cancer Research?

Research into pancreatic cancer is under way in many medical centers throughout the world. A lot of research is focused on finding better treatments for pancreatic cancer. Improving surgery and radiation therapy are major goals, as is determining the best combination...

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I Wish I Knew… Advice From a Survivor

I Wish I Knew… Advice From a Survivor

I Wish I Knew… Advice From a Survivor The most common statement we receive from people we talk to is… I wish I knew about the importance of preserving cancer cells alive at the time of my surgery. Why didn't my doctor talk to me about the option of storing my tumor...

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Living in Fear… My Plan Should My Breast Cancer Recur

Living in Fear… My Plan Should My Breast Cancer Recur

My Story It was 6 years ago, I went for my first-ever mammogram at 40 years old. I didn't think much of it as breast cancer doesn't run in my family. After the scan of my breasts, I went home and waited for the results.  I was called back for more imaging the next day...

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New Options for Advanced Cancer Patients – A must read!

New Options for Advanced Cancer Patients – A must read!

We all know that the standard of care is simply not enough and if the cancer is not contained early on and actively managed, then it will most likely recur and progress. Below are a few examples of personalized options that often lead to better treatment results and...

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Fighting Melanoma: 8 Facts You Need to Know

Fighting Melanoma: 8 Facts You Need to Know

May is Melanoma and Skin Cancer Awareness Month. There are more people diagnosed with skin cancer each year in the U.S. than all other cancers combined, and so it’s important to understand this disease and what you can do to protect yourself. Although melanoma...

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